Reusability is a most important factor in
any ETL tool. Its general purpose is to reduce unnecessary coding which
ultimately reduces development time and increases supportability. User Defined
Functions are one among the reusability feature provided by Informatica
PowerCenter. Let’s understand User Defined Functions in detail.
What is User Defined Functions:
User-defined functions
are extensions to PowerCenter transformation language. It allows you to create
complex expressions using the built-in functions and operators and reuse them
in PowerCenter mappings. User-defined functions are of two types.
- Public: able to call from any user-defined function, transformation expression, link condition expression, or task expression.
- Private: able to call from another user-defined function. Create a private function when you want the function to be part of a more complex function. The simple function may not be usable independently of the complex function.
How to create User Defined Functions:
You can create a user defined function from Informatica
PowerCenter Designer tool. You can invoke the User-Defined Function dialog box
from main menu:
Tools > User-Defined Functions > New.
Below given is a user defined function to convert date format
into ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ required format.
The user defined function
Date_format takes a date/time data type as input and output a string formatted
in (‘YYYY-MM-DD’) The expression editor shows the logic used within the
user defined function.
We can see all the user defined functions from the repository navigator as shown below.